Kholis Abdurachim Audah
Kholis Abdurachim Audah earned a PhD in Protein Biochemistry from Auburn University, USA. He did his Postdoctoral Research in Infectious Diseases/Microbial Pathogen at Yale University School of Medicine. Currently, he is the Director of Research and Community Service and a Faculty Member at Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Swiss German University in Indonesia. His research focus is on Drug Discovery and Understanding Molecular Mechanism of Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens.

Oluwatoyin Jegede
Oluwatoyin Jegede (Nigerian) is a current MasterCard Foundation Graduate Scholar. She holds a BSc( Ed) Honours Degree in Health Education from Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo-State, Nigeria. She is currently studying for a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at McGill University and is seeking a challenging position in a reputable organization that offers prospects for career growth. Her research interests are in Health Education and Promotion, Human Development, and Health Leadership.

Christian Oko
Oko Christian Inya is a public health doctor and health economist passionate for universal health coverage. He had his medical training in Nigeria's first university and has been involved in some global health projects with WHO, and his NGO Healthy and Smart Children Foundation. For these he was awarded by the Nigerian President and UK Commonwealth office. Thus he did two masters degree in health economics and public health in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, he joined the university of Birmingham research team, doing researches sponsored by the NIHR. Moreover, he also does researches with the Blavatnik school of government, Oxford university, towards global health policies to control the covid-19 pandemic. He is happy to join your research team in global health.

Zainab Ismail
Zainab Ismail is an aspiring and dedicated young researcher who happens to be a 6th-year medical student. She started her research journey during her first year of Med school by attending all the courses and workshops held in my school about the bases of scientific research. She then attended the Egypt scholars Inc. clinical research school for 3 months. Ever since She has collaborated with different researchers around the world to produce 9 internationally published articles with 159 citations and an h-index 4 on Google scholars.

Akinmayowa Lawal
Lawal is a Health/Medical Sociologist, and Bioethicist. He is a 2018-2019 Fogarty Global Health Fellow. His Fogarty post-doctoral fellowship programme was under the Harvard University, Boston University, Northwestern University and University of New Mexico (HBNU) consortium on a D43 training grant Award Number D43 TW010543 by Fogarty International Center/National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA. The Fogarty fellowship was worth $33,000 of research fund and stipend. His areas of interest in Global Health are mental health (women and youths), bioethics, health systems and policy research, prostate cancer research, Stigma and HIV/AIDS, primary health care delivery and health policy/management. Recently in 2021, he attended the Global Forum on Bioethics (GFBR) with the theme “Ethical Issues Arising in Research with People with Mental Health Conditions” supported by the National Institutes of Health, USA, and Wellcome Trust UK. Lawal has published in local and international journals as stated in his CV.

Ruth Amarachi
Ruth Amarachi is a highly motivated and progress-focused individual with long-standing background and experience in Microbiology and Public Health. With a track record of initiative and dependability, she has devised strategic initiatives which she believes will prove valuable to Toufik's World Medical Association Research Fellowship. She is progressive minded and in tune with new developments in my field. She has proven to be effective and collaborative with strong management talents, She enjoys collective brainstorming sessions. She know my skills and experience will be appreciated by your organization, and therefore she believes we will perceive them as valuable asset to the team.

Gafar Bamigbade
As a First Class and Distinction graduate in B.Sc. Microbiology and M.Sc. Food and Industrial Microbiology respectively, Gafar Bamigbade is currently studying a PhD degree with a focus in Food Microbiology/ Food Safety in UAE University.. In our world of today food security, safety and availability is one of the global problem and of great public concern. The populace continually fall victim of sharp practices leading to production of unsafe foods, this is a great issue and he is working earnestly to change the narrative through his research.

Ethar Ahmed Mosilhy
Ethar Ahmed, a fresh graduate from the faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Egypt. She has been working as a research intern at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, and Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University since July 2021, and seeking a challenging position in academia or the pharmaceutical/medical field. With regards to her technical skills, she has substantial experience in scientific research, data collection, academic writing, writing reports, conducting secondary research, and review articles projects. Additionally, she has considerable and skillful experience in designing posters for scientific events and scientific needs. She has extensive training experience in many pharmaceutical companies, as a pharmacist, she is advocating for the development of medical services for patients, applying GCP&SOPs, and improving the standard of healthcare givers. She is interested in scientific research, medicinal chemistry, drug discovery, drug design. nanomedicine, nanotechnology, neuroscience, pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, stem cells, microbiology, and microbial resistance. Motivated by working in new therapies for acute and chronic diseases and stimulated by understanding the ambiguous mechanisms of diseases she is seeking new opportunities and joining a research group to start my lifelong journey.

Aderanti Adedotun Afeez
Aderanti Adedotun Afeez is an aspiring professional with a keen interest in the Molecular biology of infectious diseases and drug resistance mechanisms. As a research enthusiast, he has developed an interest in the act of research writing and collaborations via networking. In addition, he has had significant research experience in hypothesis formulation. data collection and analysis. This is evident in my journal publications and articles under peer review. Thus, he is open and enthusiastic about research collaborations in a bid to foster bioscience innovation and advance Scientific development. Furthermore, his goal is to make significant contributions that will stem the prevalence of infectious diseases in the global health system via high-quality research, teaching, and outreach.

Thalia Blankson
Thalia Blankson is a first year graduate student at Arizona State University. She is doing her Master’s degree in International Affairs and Leadership. Thalia Holds both an associate degree in Liberal Arts and a bachelor’s in Political Science and History. Her research focus includes Pakistan-China and China-South Asia relations; political violence, political behavior, the politics of religion and ethnicity, and foreign policy, and the politics of South Asia, Europe,and China; Communism and Authoritarianism. She also has an interest in Global health and medicine. Her health interests lie in the intersections of social justice and maternal and child health, and she hopes to plan and implement public health programs and policies that can begin to close the disparities seen in health outcomes across race and class in the United States and abroad. She also enjoys teaching and engaging in provocative discussion with peers and students alike. In her free time she enjoys languages such as Mandarin, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, German and Russian.

Emmanuel Elebesunu
Emmanuel Elebesunu is a Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate with a passion for Laboratory Medicine and Research in Global health, Infectious diseases, Antimicrobial resistance and Health systems strengthening. He is a Member of various professional organizations such as the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), American Society for Microbiology (ASM), International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC). As an early career Researcher, he has published 8 research papers and served as a Manuscript Peer Reviewer in international peer-reviewed journals. He has also presented research abstracts at local and international scientific conferences.

Oluwaseyifunmi Valentina OLADIPO
Oluwaseyifunmi Valentina Oladipo, is a graduate of Human Nutrition and Dietetics from University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a graduate student (Master of Public Health) at Peking University, Beijing, China. Being an advocate of Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3{Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-being}, she is a member of The Network: Towards Unity for Health (USA), ex-intern of the West African Institute of Public Health Virtual Internship Program, and presently a Students and Young Professionals mentee at the Global Health Mentorship(GHMe).

Dr. Adeyinka Emmanuel
Dr. Adeyinka Emmanuel Tope is a veterinarian with vast experience in different aspects of animal health. he is also a Data Enthusiast as he believes that the right data if well utilized can solve a lot problems. he is a One Health advocator and he believes the human-animal-environment interface should be properly utilized to ensure healthy living all over the world.

Omotayo Faith Olanrewaju
Omotayo Faith Olanrewaju is a Pharmacy undergraduate currently undergoing her studies at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is passionate about global heath with specific interest in research, antimicrobial resistance, infectious disease and sexual health. With over 4 years volunteering experience, she has volunteered in different non governmental organizations to achieve sustainable development goals. Currently, she works on a project that seeks to address Antimicrobial Resistance using awareness campaigns and research. Her interest includes volunteering, making research, traveling and reading.

Akinwale Faniyi
Akinwale John Faniyi, is a Medical Laboratory Scientist and an Associate member of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria. He also a Fellow of the Young African Leadership Initiative Regional Leadership Center (YALI RLC), West Africa, Accra. Akinwale was trained by the West Africa Institute of Public Health in Health Literacy and Leadership where he learnt effective health communication, health research and and leadership. He belongs to several professional bodies amongst which are Nigerian Bioinformatics and Genomic Network (NBGN), African Society of Laboratory Medicine, Community of Forensic Awareness to mention afew. Akinwale was one of Keystone symposia scholarship awardee where he presented his research abstract on “The Acetonic and Methanolic Effect of Ginger oil on lipid profile in induced colorectal cancer rats”. His research interest are tumor metabolism, phytomedicine, bioinformatics and reproductive health. Recently, he won a social development scholarship in year 2021

Funmilayo Abudu
Funmilayo Abudu is a young Physiotherapist and a researcher who is passionate about Global Health with keen interest in interventions focused on improving the health of youths and adolescents. She has served in various leadership roles and participated in public health outreaches targeted at improving access to health care among vulnerable populations in marginalised communities. She has basic research skills such as critical thinking skills, academic writing skills, manuscript formatting skills, among others.

Uthman Alao
While building capacities in civic engagement and community development, he volunteer with Slum and Rural Health Initiative. A non-governmental health organization that focuses on people living in slum and rural communities. Having participated in about 10 community health outreaches to rural communities in Nigeria, he has witnessed first hand urgent need of public health intervention in rural communities. He believe Global Health Research in infectious diseases in vulnerable and underserved communities will avail me opportunities to learn from global health enthusiasts.

Jill Mayunga
Jill Mayunga is a young girl who is eager to gain strong footing in the research field. While studying as a full time medical student she has also dedicated her time to learning skills that can make her a holistic heathcare provider. Recently she took a courses in Global Public Health and scientific knowledge to learn more about research and how global health is an important aspect of sustainable development. She is always looking for opportunities to learn and contribute to research projects.

Victor Eluwa is a recent graduate of Pharmacy who is intrigued about growth, draws inspiration from the growth processes of people around, and hopes to someday inspire someone[s] else’s growth. He is also one who believes that everyone needs at least one dose of unbridled laughter per day to stay sane.

Aisha Liman
Aisha Liman is a trained medical doctor and presently a humanitarian aid worker who has worked in various contexts. Her experiences span across health system strengthening, emergency health programming, community advocacy and communication for healthcare and capacity development.

Adesola Ridwan Olamilekan
Adesola Ridwan Olamilekan is a fifth year student in Veterinary medical school, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is interested in Biomedical research such as Global health, Infectious diseases, Zoonotic Diseases, Epidemiology, and emerging, and re-emerging diseases. He is also subscribe to SDG 3 to assist my immediate environment with relevant health care and well being.

Ruth Wacheke Kinyanjui
Ruth Wacheke Kinyanjui is a bonafide student of the University of Nairobi, taking Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. She is passionate about global health and would like to contribute to research in the field. She is teachable ,coachable and very versatile. With my background she can help in analysis of data and reviews. she is dedicated to being resourceful, resilient and reliable.

Joshua Chesco Mwalongo
Joshua Chesco Mwalongo is currently a medical student in Tanzania. Having an interest in research and projects apart from studies. he also a member of the IFMSA and for Tanzania, he is the national officer for research exchange. He has always wanted to contributed in the fight against Cancer as a researcher and a clinician.

Success David
Success David is a final year student at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is interested in public and Global health which has led her to involve in so many research that has given her up to 7publications in high-impact journals. she envisions a globe with a strengthened healthsystem with the aim of Universal health. I am dedicated, determined and resilient.

AJETUNMOBI Oyinbolaji Akinwande
An individual with over 4 years experience in (Project Management, Health, Community Management, Research and Development). Who also have gathered extensive experience in Leadership, Team Management and Strategy Thinking. Nutrition and Agricultural Policy || Food and Nutrition Security || International and Community Development || Sustainability || Administration

Olagunju Abdulrahmon
Olagunju Abdulrahmon is a young medical researcher working with multidisciplinary group with focus on the field of Neurology, Cardiology and Global health. Highly interested in the use of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics among other “omics” research for development of evidence-based research capable of translation in the clinic in the aforementioned fields

William Xochitun Gopar Franco
Neurology Research Fellow
William Gopar is a final-year medical student at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. He has accomplished several certifications from renowned institutions from early in his career as he is an advocate for continuing medical education. He is also interested in research to improve the current knowledge, therefore, the healthcare and outcome of patients across communities. He has published in indexed peer-reviewed journals and currently working on a few more projects. He is also actively involved in several multinational student associations, being appointed in leadership positions in many of them.

Maya Magdy Abdelwahab
Neurology Research Fellow
Maya Magdy is a 5th-year medical student in Faculty of Medicine, a passionate young researcher, a future physician-scientist and a global citizen from Egypt. She believes that scientific research is the way to help humanity. It is her way to change and develop the community and world she lives in. Her research interest is in Public Health and Mental Health.

Matheus Mendes
Neurology Research Fellow
Matheus Mendes is a fourth year medical student from Montes Claros, Brazil. Among his qualities, critical thinking, organizational skills and time management stand out. Furthermore, he is a strong communicator and well-connected with the medical community. University extension and diffusion courses make up his complementary education. In addition, he carries out extra extension activities in the department of neurosurgery at Santa Casa Hospital and in the department of endocrinology at Hospital Aroldo Tourinho. He was also a monitor of human physiology for a semester. He participated in several scientific events, and among his scientific productions, abstracts published in conference proceeding and work presentations at conferences stand out.

Sulekhya Inturu
Neurology Research Fellow
Sulekhya is a Medical Student from India. She always believes that Research is the guiding light in any aspect of Education as it teaches us know more and fascinates us in every possible way. How and why things happen in a certain way has always attracted her. Observing things and applying them to the Medical arena has always been her thing. She loves Neuroscience and Public health related topics. She always look forward to working with people who try to create a better society. Other than Research and science, Art in the form of Music and Dance is her therapy.

Ayush Chandra
Neurology Research Fellow
Ayush Chandra, is an undergraduate (MBBS) Medical Intern and Young Life Science Researcher. He has published multiple research articles in many international scientific journals, . He is actively engaged in writing for national journals, magazines, online news portals, blogs, newspapers, etc. He has actively advocated for medical professionals and patients in pre-pandemic and post-pandemic. He is actively advocating for the problems faced by International Medical Graduates in Nepal. He was awarded a research grant for Multiple Sclerosis disease research by the Nepal Health Research Council. He is a founding member of Multiple Sclerosis Society Nepal, Executive Member-elect of International Headache Society-Junior Group, and an associate member at International Headache Society. He is also an active member of the American Academy of Neurology, International Parkinson and movement disorder society."

Megan Coghlan
Neurology Research Fellow
Megan is a medical student at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. She grew up in Bloomington, Indiana, with her twin sister and older brother and attended Indiana University for her undergraduate education, where she studied biochemistry. She enjoys the intricate pathways involved in both biochemistry and neurology and plans to apply to neurology residency programs this fall. In her free time, Megan loves hiking, baking French desserts, and playing tennis with family and friends.

Marija Zivcevska
Neurology Research Fellow
Marija Zivcevska is a medical student at Liberty University in Virginia, USA. She earned her Master’s of Science at the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto where she focused on understanding the neurophysiology of photophobia and migraines. She’s is passionate about community outreach work and volunteers for a number of national organizations. On her free time, Marija loves to go hiking, spend time with family and travel.

Jacob Kalmanovich
Neurology Research Fellow
Jacob Kalmanovich was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He has always had a strong interest in medicine, which started from volunteering at dialysis centers. He graduated magna cum laude from SUNY Binghamton with a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Neuroscience. In 2021, he matriculated into Drexel College of Medicine with the goal of pursuing a future in Neurology. He is currently a student ambassador at Drexel and have a seat on the admission committee. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music, playing video games when time permits, and spending time with his dog.

Samar Khalifa
Neurology Research Fellow
Samar Khalifa is a clinical psychology student interested in neuroscience and neurology. She is a reviewer at many journals including Wiley journals and BMC. She has written more than 12 papers some of them published on research square. She is a founder and co-president at Kafr Elsheikh Psychology Society.

Namarig Alnil Ali
Neurology Research Fellow
Namarig Alnil Ali is currently enrolled as a medical student - helwan University in Egypt, she is not only interested in neuroscience but she is also dedicated to explore and take the advantage of all of the available opportunities regarding this subject, she was awarded Dr. Ahmed Negida's full scholarship of clinical research. evolved in several research projects as a trainee, including the RSD team in her college, SMART institute and Imedra-Egypt as a research trainee.

Dr Sneha Kurian
Neurology Research Fellow
Dr Sneha Kurian is an MBBS Graduate from Christian Medical College Vellore. She has worked on two observational studies, presented at two national and one international research conference(Boston Congress of Public health) (oral and poster) She is currently working on an observational study. She has also completed a one month research internship in Kyoto University Japan in May 2018 and a month research internship in Centre for Stem cell research in Vellore.

Victor Nweze
Neurology Research Fellow
Victor Nweze is a Research assistant at the Ethnopharmacology, Food and Drug Delivery Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in Nigeria. In addition, Victor is a Laboratory Research Assistant at the Department of Biochemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in Nigeria. He has volunteered in various medical outreaches and recieved several awards. He has several publications with research interest in drug discovery, drug delivery and public health. Victor has made research presentations in both national and international conferences as well as invited talks. Victor is full of incredible curiosity to solving specific scientific problems and someday, he hopes to be a reincarnation of Madame Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.

Amaan Javed
Neurology Research Fellow
Amaan Javed has worked in different areas mainly cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, COVID-19, stem cells and anti-microbial resistance. Additionally, He is exploring new domains of Computational Neuroscience and working on reinforcement learning. Moreover, He has developed an interest in device innovation and has been granted one Indian patent. Additionally, He was awarded the ICMR STS 2020 (Indian Council of Medical Research- Short Term Studentship Program). He has developed in-depth knowledge about research protocol, methodology and ethics via several online and offline courses including Biostatistics and R specialization from Johns Hopkins University, Introduction to Principles and Practices of Clinical Research from National Institute of Health and Health Research from National Institute of Epidemiology.

Esther Bassey
Neurology Research Fellow
Esther Bassey, a student of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Uyo, Nigeria. A former Editor 2 of the Faculty Students Association, she was also the 2020/2021 Hult Prize Campus director of the University of Uyo, Class of 2021 Millenium Campus (UNAI/MCN) Fellow and doubling as a Campus director and an alumni of the Barrack Obama Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) regional Learning Centre, Accra, Ghana. In addition to these, she is a 2021 fellow of The Bridge Program by Afara Initiative which is one of the most prestigious fellowships for youths in Nigeria. As a passionate changemaker and SDG3 advocate with interests in Neurology, Global Health, Maternal and child health, she has served and currently serving as an ambassador of over ten international medical students’ conferences including iMed 12.0,13.0, IX In4Med, ICHAMS, etc. She also an active volunteer with several organizations including Mandate Health Empowerment Initiative (MHEI), an organization concerned with creating awareness on mental health and providing psychological support, amongst others. She has also served as a sub-editor for medicopolitan magazine for 2 issues and in line with her interests in research, she has co-authored 9 research papers published in international peer-reviewed journals and several others undergoing review. In January 2021, she led the team from University of Uyo to the Emory Morningside Global Healthcase Competition as one of the 3 teams from Africa. A two-time finalist of the iPitch Competition of iMed conference, Portugal, 12.0 and 13.0, she also led the team that emerged 2nd place winner at the 16th Young European Scientist’ (YES) Meeting 1st Breakthrough competition by Novartis and she has also presented research abstracts in conferences including The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) research in progress conference.

Tungki Pratama Umar
Dr. Tungki Pratama Umar is a motivated researcher in the medical sciences. At the moment, he holds positions as a research assistant at three different universities: Sriwijaya, Padjajaran, and Atmajaya University. He has over five years of experience in medical publication, specializing in review articles (narrative and systematic reviews) and original articles, with over 30 published articles to his credit. He is listed as a reviewer (>20 journals) and editor (4 journals) in international peer-reviewed journals. He possesses superior verbal and written communication skills, the ability to meet strict deadlines, and a strong work ethic.

Dr. Hashim Talib Hashim
Dr. Hashim Talib Hashim: Is a medical graduate from the university of Baghdad, College of Medicine in Iraq. He is a certified international trainer with IFMSA and a clinical researcher in the field of cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, Psychology and public health. He has been editing many research papers for many specialized journals in this field and he is a trainee in Baghdad Teaching hospital and Al-Nasiriyah Heart Center. He participated and presented his papers in more than 35 conferences and congresses in Iraq and outside Iraq. Also, he participated in delivering more than 5 workshops in Oman, Bangladesh and Iraq.

Dhuha Abdulraheem Omar
A conscientious reliable and hardworking medical student, pays attention to details, with excellent interpersonal and time management skills, seeking further training and experience in clinical and emergency medicine, while working towards the profession of a medical doctor. Having realized that research is a crucial part of the health care system, and in the steps toward becoming a doctor is of more important to even try finding new things in the field of evidence based medicine, as well as acquisition of knowledge in research skills. After this fellowship, I intend to explore my options for research, hoping that I will be able to contribute to finding cures for diseases of different etiologies.

Dr Abdul Rehman
Dr Abdul Rehman is a graduate of services Institute of medical sciences, Currently working as medical Officer at Omar Hospital CCU. He has Interest in research and has 13 publications on his name and is keen to pursue his career in cardiology with research in new emerging trends in cardiology.

Dr. Marwa Badawy
Dr. Marwa Badawy,24 years old, and a fresh graduate this year. She is a general practitioner in Ainshams Hospital and October Sixth Hospital in Egypt. The passion for research runs in her veins. Research ignited a lot of fire with her to rearrange, understand and find the solution to what needs to. Scientific research enhances her to follow her curiosity for anything vague. And as it is said: Follow your passion to the end of the world. She actually finds her passion in scientific research. She wants the fellowship to unleash her inner talents and creativity in research. Moreover, she can work under pressure and still manages to deliver great results. She enjoyed whatever step she has taken in the field and felt confident it's the right thing, Hoping to learn more about the methodology of research and improve my skills in it. She more than willing to give enthusiasm and making difference in this fellowship especially in Cardiology and Global Health fields.

Vamsi Krishna Pachchipulusu
Growing up He always loved Science and was always enthusiastic to understand the tremendous amount of research that is done in the aspect of science. Human body was something he slowly started gaining interest and was fascinated to learn more about it. His undergraduate experience has inspired me to learn more in the clinical aspect of medicine. He always been interested in doing Research. He is an apsiring Cardiologist look forward for more opportunities in this field.

Rusab Baig
She is a fourth-year MBBS Candidate interested in the field of surgery and global health. She has worked on different types of research articles, original articles, systematic reviews, case reports, review articles, commentaries and letters to the editor. She has 2 publications available on Pub Med as of now. She wants to work extensively on surgical research this year and this collaboration would be really helpful for me.

Bilal Asa'd Abu_Hussein
Bilal is an ambitious Doctor who is really passionate about research. He started his research journey by collecting data with multi-country studies where he was part of two studies, then moved on to be a good medical writer. He now has 5 published articles in well-known journals. He has worked on various form of research projects, including multicounty studies, original articles as well as Case reports. He was also a medical writer/reviewer for an international pharmaceutical research project. Bilal believes its time to be a research fellow to further step up at his research pathways, gain more tools and experience. Bilal is a hard worker, a man who believes in science and research as a tool of changing the world.

Patrick Tobechi Ashinze
Pat Ashinze is a Ibo-Yoruba hybrid. He trained as a medical doctor and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Medicine from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria where he won the Inaugural Students Union Poetry Prize in 2019 as an undergraduate. Pat is a widely published multi-award winning writer. His works have appeared and are forthcoming on local and international platforms. Pat served as the Research manager and a co-founder of KNOW COVID-19 NG, a startup designed to quell misinformation about COVID-19 and bring up-to-date news about the pandemic to the people. This startup has reached over 5 million Nigerians. Pat's undergraduate dissertation on Viral Hemorrhagic fevers was published by his university in 2021.

Syed Muhammad Awais Bukhari
Syed Muhammad Awais Bukhari, is a MS5 medical student at Nishtar Medical University, Multan, Pakistan. He is a passionate researcher whose primary field of study is in Cardiology with the vision of becoming an Interventional Cardiologist. His hobbies include mountain trekking, weightlifting, and exploring different cultural places.

Ibrahim A. Abdelhaleem
Ibrahim A. Abdelhaleem has published three high quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses in high quality journals- the last one was published in the Journal of Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism (IF: 6.7). Other five studies are under review in high quality journals or publishing process.

Fatma Kamal Ahmed
Fatma Kamal Ahmed is a 4th year medical student interested in general, cardiovascular and neurological surgery. Owing to that interest, she has completed a Basic Surgical Skills course during her vacation and continue to practice different methods of suturing and study their applications. She is also interested in the general wellness of the public, that is why she has started a page on Instagram (@yourdailydoseke) with her colleagues, which is geared towards providing the public with digestible medical information that will help them better advocate for themselves as well as better trust healthcare providers and institutions. She lead a research role in running the page and she is responsible for compiling peer-reviewed evidence and information on the topics chosen for that week. This further developed my interest in research and she would appreciate the opportunity to advance her skills to the next level.

Abdallah Ramadan
Abdallah K. Ramadan, MD Candidate, Global Health Advocate and Researcher, Studying at Al Quds University - Al-Azhar branch, worked with Many International Organizations (IFMSA, AMEE, Hult Prize and IMET2000Pal), a member at American College of Physicians, the founder of IFMSA Research Exchange program, and Researchist Comunity in Palestine, currently, working as an Associate editor at HPHR and Researcher at Palestinian Neuroscience Initiative.

Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma is a Medical student. He has great interest in fields of Research, Oncology, Positive Psychiatry & Human Psychology. He has a strong educational background with excellent score in academics. He is fascinated by daily challenges which he keeps facing at his college and hospital. His reason to opt this research platform is to learn more and explore my capabilities in medical research .

Halil Ibrahim Bulut
Halil Ibrahim Bulut is currently a second-grade medical student at Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine. He was part of an international oncology research group then he shifted his educational focus to Transplantation and Cardiothoracic surgery. His undergraduate term plans include participating in multidisciplinary researches in the field of surgery and publishing articles in surgical journals, as well as doing internships in different surgical clinics. Thus, He wants to be fully competent when he starts as a general surgery/cardiothoracic/cardiovascular surgery resident.

arpit mago
A budding researcher, pursuing medicine from India unraveling scientific research. Passionate about reading, connecting and life long learning.Over three years of vast experience working in various national and international student and non governmental organusations working on Medical education,Mental Health,Human Rights ,SRHR and Public Health. Believes in action through advocacy, awareness and work.Always looking forward to research opportunities across Cardiology,Surgery,Neurology ,Dermatology and Global health..Believes in right mentorship to learn and gain skills and impart them to other budding colleagues.

Ibrahim A. Abdelhaleem
Raghad Nabeel Saleh graduated from Dental School as the youngest graduate with 2 research projects, a Very Good cumulative average, and worthy work experience. One of her research articles which was about the Mental Health of Students during the COVID-19 was added to the global literature of COVID-19 in the World Health Organization. All her experiences have and still enables her to fulfil her desire in lending a hand to others in a setting that is full of team spirit and hard work. She learned that dentists are not only doctors but lifesavers and supporters. She noticed how spreading oral health promotion in the marginalized rural areas and camps can make a difference in people's lives. She got the chance to coordinate the Global Oral Health Module in collaboration with the Charite University in Germany and Glasgow University in the UK. She also presented at the COP26 Climate Change Summit in Glasgow University about the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) in Palestine and the effect on Children, women and people in need.

Ayomide Kayode
Ayomide Kayode is a fellow with great interests in global health and surgery, research and the SDGs 3&5. He is a social impact enthusiast with some years of relevant experience in the field. To improve his knowledge about research, he has given himself to some professional training which he would love to put to use and to learn more about.

Inês Margarida Pinto Vieira
Inês Margarida Pinto Vieira is a portuguese girl, studying Medicine in english in Romania, 4th Year. Being part of a Research Project would be a great opportunity and a new experience for her. She likes to meet new people and methods of work. She wants to share personal and professional experiences with people all over the world and hopes to learn and develop new skills with this Group.