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You are about to start PLAB 1 sample questions anatomy
It has a total of 34 Questions.
A 41 year old man complains of loss of sensation on one side of his body. He also experiences unilateral facial weakness on the same side, dizzyness, and progressive deafness. An MRI head reveals a cerebellopontine tumour is present. Which cranial nerve lesion(s) cause(s) these symptoms?
A 45 year old woman is rushed into A&E after being hit by car while crossing the road. Her x ray confirms a fracture of the left neck of the fibula. On examination you note she is unable to dorsiflex her left foot and has sensory loss to the dorsal surface of the foot and portions of the anterior lower-lateral leg. Which NERVE is MOST LIKELY to have been damaged?
A 56 year old lady is being reviewed in the gynaecology clinic after she was diagnosed with a right sided ovarian cancer. Given the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries, which LYMPH NODES are MOST LIKELY to be involved?
A 54 year old male is currently under investigation for persistent hoarseness in his voice for the last 6 weeks. Which ONE NERVE listed below is MOST LIKELY to be damaged to cause these symptoms?
A 45 year old lady attends your clinic with an ulcerated 3.5cm lesion on her left labia majorum. What is the lymphatic drainage of this area?
A 65 year old lady attends your clinic 5 days post-op from an elective left hemicolectomy. She states that she has experienced swelling in her left leg for the last 6 hours. On examination her left leg is swollen from her toes all the way to her groin and into the left iliac fossa area. What is the most likely cause?
A 47 year old man complains of loss of sensation over the medial one and a half fingers of his left hand. Which location of lesion is most likely to give rise to these symptoms?
Your patient is a 32 year old woman with multiple sclerosis. Upon investigation you find that she has bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia. What is the MOST LIKELY site of the lesion in this scenario?
A 29 year male is rushed to A&E after being knocked off his motor bike. A local resident who witnessed the accident said he appeared to land heavily on his head and his neck jolted to one side. On examination in A&E you note a loss of sensation in his left arm, and the arm is by his side, appears to be medially rotated and his forearm is extended and pronated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 38 year old lady presents with a slightly tender and warm swelling over her left knee cap. On examination you confirm her findings and note that the swelling can be moved and compressed and lies just above the patella. The patella itself is not palpable. Her joint range of movement is normal but she can feel uncomfortable on full flexion. Her temperature is normal. Her past medial history includes rheumatoid arthritis. You suspect bursitis. Which ONE KNEE BURSA is MOST LIKELY to be effected?
A 44 year old man presents with irregular jerky limb and trunk movements and dementia. He tells you that his father suffered form something similar. What is the MOST LIKELY site of the lesion in this scenario?
A 32 year old biker is brought to A&E following a road traffic accident. As he is brought into the rhesus bay, you notice that he has clear discharge coming out from his left ear and nostrils. Both eyes also have bruises around them. Which bone has most likely been damaged?
A 26 year old man presents with the inability to raise his arm higher than horizontally and with a winged scapula. Which location of lesion is most likely to give rise to these symptoms?
A 53 year old man presents with unilateral body weakness, tongue fasciculation, and wasting.On examination, you ask him to stick his tongue out and find that his tongue deviates to the left when protruded. Which cranial nerve lesion(s) cause(s) these symptoms?
A woman complains of loss of sensation below the level of her navel, following a road traffic accident. Which location of lesion is most likely to give rise to these symptoms?
A 32 year old martial arts athelete attends your clinic following a blow to the side of the right knee. He states that he now drags his foot when he walks. On examination he is unable to dorsiflex the right foot properly. Which location of lesion is most likely to give rise to these symptoms?
A 64 year old lady attends your clinic with a 2 month history of difficulty swallowing and pronouncing her words. Her husband states that she also has episodes of uncontrollable laughing and crying. On examination her jaw jerk reflex is pronounced. What is the most likely cause?
A 27 year old man is brought to A&E following a major road traffic accident. On arrival he states that he cannot hear properly from the left ear. Otoscopy reveals that the left tympanic membrane is in tact. Which bone has most likely been damaged?
A 35 year old male presents to A&E after he accidentally sustained a deep cut at the back of his right middle finger while doing some DIY at home in the garden. On examination you note a deep cut at base of his right middle finger and he is unable to extend the distal phalanx of this finger. Which ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE is most likely to have been damaged?
A 35 year old patient presents with a large right-sided haemothorax, following a road traffic accident. What is the optimal anatomical position for the insertion of an intercostal chest drain in this patient?
A 6 year old boy is brought in by ambulance following a road traffic accident. You are unable to secure intravenous access and set up for intraosseous access. Which of the following ANATOMICAL LOCATIONS is most suitable as a site of insertion?
A 44 year old female comes into see her GP, she is worried as the veins in her lower legs have become dilated over the last few weeks, she points to the worst one which you note is on the lateral aspect of her left ankle. Which ONE ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE listed below would be found in this location?
A patient presents with right sided ptosis, miosis and small muscle wastage of the right hand. Which location of lesion is most likely to give rise to these symptoms?
A 39 year old male is being reviewed in the urology clinic after presenting with a recurrent ulcer in his right scrotum. Given the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum, which lymph nodes are most likely to be involved?
A 35 year old male undergoes a larpascopy on the surgical day unit for recurrent cholecystitis. Which TWO anatomical structures are pierced to insert a port halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the umbilicus?
On examination you notice that a 73 year old right-handed woman, ignores stimuli on the left side of her body. What is the MOST LIKELY site of the lesion in this scenario?
You review a 66 year old woman with suspected dementia who you find to be sexually disinhibited and aggressive. What is the MOST LIKELY site of the lesion in this scenario?
A 55 year old male is undergoing an angioplasty after being admitted with a myocardial infarction. Which ONE artery listed below will run through the ANTERIOR interventricular groove?
A 28 year old male is reviewed in A&E by the orthopaedic team after he came off his motor bike 10 days ago and landed on his right side. He did not see anyone at the time but now complains of pain in his forearm and weakness in his right hand. On examination he has tenderness in his forearm, atrophy of of the intrinsic hand muscles on the right side and he has weakened finger abduction and adduction. You also note weakness of thumb adduction. He is still able to flex his fingers. Injury to which ONE ANATOMICAL area listed below is MOST LIKELY to be the cause of his presentation?
A 55 year old male is being reviewed in the gastroenterology cancer clinic after being referred by his GP due to jaundice for several weeks. He is found to have pancreatic cancer localized to the head of the pancreas. Which ONE ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE listed below lies very to close to the head of the pancreas?
You are asked to assist you general surgical consultant and registrar in theater, the consultant begins to quiz you on some general anatomy. Which ONE anatomical landmark or structure is located at the half way point between the suprasternal notch and the pubic symphysis?
A 35 year old male is being assessed by the neurologist on call after he complained to the junior doctor on the ward that he cannot extend his left knee. He had a coronary angiogram 2 hours ago. His neurological examination reveals 3/5 knee extension and the absence of sensation on the medial side of his left thigh. Which NERVE is MOST LIKELY to have been effected?
A 64 year old man has not be able to understand the ward staff for the past few days and is speaking fluently in jargon which cannot be understood. Before this, the patient's speech and language were normal. What is the MOST LIKELY site of the lesion in this scenario?
A 32-year-old woman presents with colicky right upper quadrant pain, nausea and vomiting. You suspect she is experiencing an episode of biliary colic. What is the most common ANATOMICAL location for gallstones to become lodged and cause cholestasis?
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