Lymphotropic Antibacterial Therapy of Tuberculosis Pleuritis

Symonenko I., Yasnikovsky O., Duzhyi I.
Department of Surgery, Traumatology, Orthopedics and Phthisiology
Medical Institute, Sumy State University, Ukraine

Toufik’s Medical Journal
Volume 1, Supplement 1, November 2021
Abstract from Biomedical Perspectives III 

Introduction: Pleuritis of tuberculous or nonspecific genesis is a pathogenetically complex disease, given the constant circulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. The accumulation of the latter occurs in a significant number of diseases, due to that the verification of the disease is often delayed. However, it was found that the tuberculous genesis of the disease accounts for 65–67 % of all cases of pleural effusion syndrome (PES). Delayed or insufficiently effective treatment is accompanied by the chronicity of the process in 10–12 % of patients. The latter leads to the development of hypertension of the small circulation, which in turn is complicated by the formation of a chronic pulmonary heart. The consequences of the latter are not very promising, which determined the urgency of the problem.

Aim: In order to prevent this serious complication, we proposed lymphotropic administration of antibacterial drugs.

Materials and methods: The effectiveness of antibacterial therapy in 67 patients was studied and compared with the effectiveness of patients in the standard treatment regimen. Antibacterial drugs were injected paravertebrally into the rectus muscle of the back at the level of the angle of the shoulder blades according to the original method of the department.

Results: Abacillation was achieved in 75 % of bacillary patients at the end of the intensive phase of treatment (2 months), and in 25 % – in 2 months of the maintenance phase. In patients of the comparison group, abacillation was achieved at the end of 4 months of the maintenance phase. Residual changes in the pleural cavity according to our method were minimal – pleural layers in 9 (13.4 %), while among patients in the comparison group chronic pleurisy developed in 10 (14.9 %) people, who underwent surgery – pleurectomy.

Conclusions: Taken into account the targeting of lymphotropic antibacterial therapy, we can assume that the inflammation was removed at its expense and the course of the inflammatory process was positive. Therefore, the lymphotropic method of antibacterial therapy is effective in the treatment of tuberculous pleurisy in general and a reliable means of preventing its complications such as chronic pleurisy in particular.