Ekpe Onyinyechi Peace*, Yanko I.*, HusakYe.*,***, Roshchupkin A.*, Balitskyi V.**, Burduli D.**, Baginskyi I.**, Zahorodna V.** , Maksym Pogorielov*, Oleksiy Gogotsi**, Sergiy Kyrylenko*
*Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
**Materials Research Center, Carbon-Ukraine (Y-Carbon ltd.), Kyiv, Ukraine
***Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Toufik’s Medical Journal
Volume 1, Supplement 1, November 2021
Abstract from Biomedical Perspectives III
Introduction: MXenes are 2D nanomaterials that possess unique properties considered promising for treatment of cancer via a photothermal therapy approach. It was shown that MXenes can interact with eukaryotic cells. This has prompted further experiments to ascertain the exact localization of these nanomaterials within the linving cell.
Aim: We aimed at investigating localization of Ti3C2TX MXenes in cultured eukaryotic cells.
Materials and methods: Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were grown on metallic grids used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The grids were supplied with thin carbon films to retain the cells. TEM grids of variuos compositions were employed. Cells were loaded with MXenes, fixed, dehydrated and prepared for TEM experiments by contrasting agents.
Results: TEM grids made out of Cu showed high toxicicty for the cultured cells. We then attempted to grow cells on plastic cell culture plates covered with the carbon film followed by dissolving the plastic support by chroloform to release the film and placing the film with the cells onto the grid. However, this approach gave unsatisfactory results. We then screened TEM grids made of other materials and found that the Pd grids were tolerated by cultured cells. We found that MXenes could be detected by TEM in cultured cells seen as flakes within the cell structures.
Conclusion: TEM can be used as a tool for visualization of MXenes within the cells. Cu and Ni grids are toxic for the cells, while Pd grids can be used in cell cultures. Currently, we investigate intracellular localization of MXenes under variuos physiological conditions.
Acknowledgements: Supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0120U101972); H2020 MC Actions (NanoSurf 777926, CanBioSe 778157, NANO2DAY 77810, SALSETH 872370); National Research Fund of Ukraine (2020.02/0223); Erasmus+ JM project 599989-EPP-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE.